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That whole pants thing? Um, that was 95% a lie. There truly were some pants that I kept running over in the road for real, but ew, I didn't pick them up. They were dirty. I was just trying to make up an interesting excuse as to why I wasn't writing. There was no Pants Quest.

So a whole bunch of crap has been happening, and I have been letting it get me down. My luck has been such complete shit, I thought the best thing for me to do was to hide out and wait for it to pass. Then I became convinced it was a full-on hex. Whether it was a bad spell or a hex, it seems to be lifting. Last week was the worst week in recent memory, but since I made some adjustments in my brain (and my car and washing machine)...randomly and immediately things are better and I feel better and I am better.

Do you want to know how I knew it was time to start being the old Halee again? Saturday I saw a gorilla walking down the street pushing a vacuum cleaner. Okay, technically it was a guy in a gorilla suit who was out in front of a vacuum cleaner shop, but the overall effect is still the same. So I kept doing u-turns and going back down that street and waving at him. This made me happy. And I remembered what being happy and doing dumb things to entertain myself was like. And I missed it.

I missed Diaryland, too. Maybe that was part of the problem, I have had zero creative outlet (other than inventing new swear words to use to curse the world and my luck and auto mechanics). So here I am, creatively outlet-ing for your entertainment. (But more importantly, my entertainment. Halee is back in town.)

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