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Yeah, so it takes me a really long time to read in Spanish, even if it's just comics and even if all the plots are virtually identical. So I'm afraid I have to cut Literacy Week a bit short. Here's what you could have heard about:

Sorry. Just know that all the women in them had super exaggerated-ly curvy bodies, someone probably got shot and killed, and some sort of lesson was ultimately learned.

Since I have been thinking about Spanish and Mexico a lot lately, I started thinking about writing a letter to Mike Judge and recommending that he consider creating a spin-off show about Monsignor Martinez. (You know, the Mexican soap opera about the assassin priest that Luann always watches on King of the Hill?)

That's actually what this entry was going to be, a copy of that letter.

Until I found out, they actually did make a live-action pilot of it!!!!


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